Learn The Truth About Vaccines
AreVaccinesSafe.org seeks to provide accurate information about vaccines and vaccine safety –to help you re-think what you’ve been led to believe in the past, so you can protect yourself and loved ones from a future lifetime of regret.
ARE VACCINES SAFE? Nothing is either SAFE or UNSAFE without exception. The question is what is the risk of getting the illness vs. the risk of a negative response to the shot? This data is difficult to collect but we know: Vaccine ingredients are classified toxins, over 3.3 billion dollars has been paid to those hurt and killed, and our judicial system has declared vaccines “Unavoidably Unsafe.”
When considering the efficacy of vaccines, it is important to know that vaccines have been heralded as saviors and credited with the decline in disease infection and disease transmission. The truth is, diseases for which there are vaccines available had been on the decline well before vaccines were introduced and vaccines do not provide lasting immunity to disease or prevent infection. In fact, vaccines are capable of transmitting disease through viral shedding, and many outbreaks occur in vaccinated populations.
It’s a great misconception that our bodies are unable to protect themselves from disease. On the contrary, when given the proper nutrition, supplements, rest, exercise, sunshine, and avoidance of toxic chemicals, our bodies possess a God-given, innate ability to heal, protect, and maintain optimal health, even when a threat of infection is present.
Isn’t it interesting…
that in 1986, pharmaceutical manufacturers producing vaccines were freed from ALL liability resulting from vaccine injury or death by the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act?
With this, vaccines became HIGHLY profitable.
There are now 271 additional vaccines in development and mandatory vaccine laws for children and adults being pushed in most states. We must ask ourselves; are we really at greater risk, or is there a more sinister agenda at play?
Is it any coincidence that…
aluminum hydroxide
aluminum phosphate
ammonium sulfate
amphotericin B
animal tissues
calf (bovine) serum
fetal bovine serum
polymyxin B
polysorbate 20
polysorbate 80
porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein
residual MRC5 proteins
thimerosal (mercury)
VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells
The mounting evidence is irrefutable. Documentaries and verifiable news stories, proving vaccines are a calculated assault on humanity.